Consume, Process, Repeat


Hello! My name is Cailin Walsh and I am a Political Science major at Dickinson College. As a twenty-one year old it is hard for me to recall a time when my life was not infiltrated by some form of media.  I grew up listening to NPR and for the first decade of my life my sole aspiration was to become Bob Edward’s daughter. I have moved on from my foolish desires and now I just hope that one-day my parents will transform into Steve Inskeep and Rene Montange.

 All joking aside, I am an active member of the 21st century and I do receive coverage of the news from more than just the radio. Whenever I can, especially when I am home from school, I watch NBC Nightly News and various political pundits on MSNBC.  However, the majority of the time I catch up and stay abreast of current events via twitter, reading the New York Times and the CNN app on my phone. I wish I could say that I read the Times and watch MSNBC because I have tried many different news outlets and I have deduced that I prefer these, but unfortunately, like many of my peers, I watch/read what my parents do. As the semester progresses I hope that I will be able to say confidently that I watch and read what best fits my beliefs.

 As far as social media goes I consume it in large quantities. I check Instagram the most frequently though and twitter the least. I use social media to stay in touch with friends and family for the most part, but I do follow some Instagram and twitter accounts that report on what is happening in the world. My consumption patterns are constantly changing and since returning from Italy, where I spent the last semester, I have noticed that my addiction to social media has subsided significantly. I am interested to see how this class effects my media consumption in all forms and whether or not I return to my “pre-abroad” level of addiction.